Element index for package One-Click
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- __call
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::__call()
- __construct
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file create.php, method create_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::__construct()
- __construct
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::__construct()
- __get
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::__get()
- __set
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::__set()
- $configuration_options
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$configuration_options
- call_proc
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::call_proc()
- call_proc_sudo
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::call_proc_sudo()
- compare_versions
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::compare_versions()
int compare_versions(string, string, string)
- connect
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::connect()
- copy_storehouse
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::copy_storehouse()
- copy_storehouse_raw
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::copy_storehouse_raw()
- create_Install
- in file create.php, class create_Install
- create.php
- procedural page create.php
- gallery_Install
- in file gallery.php, class gallery_Install
- generate_locales
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::generate_locales()
- get_application_installs
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_application_installs()
- get_audit_status
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_audit_status()
- get_author
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_author()
- get_author_address
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_author_address()
- get_database_prefix
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_database_prefix()
- get_dependencies
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_dependencies()
- get_description
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_description()
- get_install_database
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_install_database()
- get_install_path
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_install_path()
- get_install_url
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_install_url()
- get_instance_configuration
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_instance_configuration()
- get_logo
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_logo()
- get_original_version
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_original_version()
- get_postback
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_postback()
- get_site_id
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_site_id()
- get_space
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_space()
- get_target_version
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_target_version()
- get_version
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_version()
- get_versions
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_versions()
- get_version_hierarchy
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_version_hierarchy()
- get_website
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_website()
- get_zones
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::get_zones()
- gallery.php
- procedural page gallery.php
- $installation_type
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$installation_type
- install
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::install()
- install
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file create.php, method create_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::install()
- $pgsql
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$pgsql
- $pgsql_database
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$pgsql_database
- $pgsql_password
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$pgsql_password
- $pgsql_user
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$pgsql_user
- phpBB.php
- procedural page phpBB.php
- punBB.php
- procedural page punBB.php
- patch
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::patch()
- patch
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file create.php, method create_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::patch()
bool patch(string, int)
- patch
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch_exists
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::patch_exists()
The patch process works as follows: 1) Use xdiff (or diff binary itself) to generate diffs between <old> and <new> and store the diffs under /tmp/. Return the array of different files.
- pgsql_import
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::pgsql_import()
- phpBB_Install
- in file phpBB.php, class phpBB_Install
- post_configuration
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file create.php, method create_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::post_configuration()
- post_configuration
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::post_configuration()
- post_configuration
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_install
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::post_install()
- post_install
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file create.php, method create_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_patch
- in file create.php, method create_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::post_patch()
- pre_configuration
- in file create.php, method create_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::pre_configuration()
- pre_configuration
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::pre_configuration()
- pre_configuration
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_install
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file create.php, method create_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::pre_install()
- pre_install
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::pre_install()
- pre_install
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_patch
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::pre_patch()
- pre_patch
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file create.php, method create_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- process_installation
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::process_installation()
- punBB_Install
- in file punBB.php, class punBB_Install
- $site_id
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$site_id
- setup_mysql
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::setup_mysql()
- setup_pgsql
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::setup_pgsql()
- set_database_prefix
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_database_prefix()
- set_dependencies
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_dependencies()
- set_description
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_description()
- set_function_int
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_function_int()
- set_install_type
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_install_type()
- set_mysql
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_mysql()
- set_pgsql
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_pgsql()
- set_space
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_space()
- set_version
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_version()
- set_website
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_website()