Index of all elements
[ a ]
[ b ]
[ c ]
[ d ]
[ e ]
[ f ]
[ g ]
[ h ]
[ i ]
[ j ]
[ l ]
[ m ]
[ o ]
[ p ]
[ q ]
[ r ]
[ s ]
[ t ]
[ u ]
[ v ]
[ w ]
[ z ]
[ _ ]
- $acl_cache
- in file file.php, variable File_Module::$acl_cache
- $application_config_opts
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$application_config_opts
- address_exists
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::address_exists()
- add_alias
- in file aliases.php, method Aliases_Module::add_alias()
- add_alias
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::add_alias()
- add_alias_backend
- in file aliases.php, method Aliases_Module::add_alias_backend()
- add_application_rating
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::add_application_rating()
bool add_application_rating (int, int)
- add_cronjob
- in file crontab.php, method Crontab_Module::add_cronjob()
bool add_cronjob (array, string)
- add_cronjob_backend
- in file crontab.php, method Crontab_Module::add_cronjob_backend()
bool add_cronjob_backend (string)
- add_event
- in file monitor.php, method Monitor_Module::add_event()
- add_file
- in file compression_interface.php, method Compression_Interface::add_file()
- add_file
- in file gzip.php, method Gzip_Filter::add_file()
- add_file
- in file bzip.php, method Bzip_Filter::add_file()
- add_file
- in file rar.php, method Rar_Filter::add_file()
- add_file
- in file zip.php, method Zip_Filter::add_file()
- add_logfile
- in file logs.php, method Logs_Module::add_logfile()
bool add_logfile(string, string, string)
- add_logfile_backend
- in file logs.php, method Logs_Module::add_logfile_backend()
- add_log_rotation_profile
- in file logs.php, method Logs_Module::add_log_rotation_profile()
bool add_log_rotation_profile(string)
- add_log_rotation_profile_backend
- in file logs.php, method Logs_Module::add_log_rotation_profile_backend()
- add_mailbox
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::add_mailbox()
- add_mysql_backup
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::add_mysql_backup()
- add_mysql_user
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::add_mysql_user()
bool add_mysql_user(string, string, string[, int[, int[, int[, string[, string[, string[, string]]]]]]])
- add_mysql_user_permissions
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::add_mysql_user_permissions()
bool add_mysql_user_permissions (string, string, string, array) Add/removes privileges for a user to a table, any value listed as false or not supplied as an array key will revoke the privilege
- add_pgsql_backup
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::add_pgsql_backup()
- add_pgsql_user
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::add_pgsql_user()
bool add_pgsql_user(string, string[, int])
- add_pgsql_user_permissions
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::add_pgsql_user_permissions()
bool add_pgsql_user_permissions (string, string, string, array) Add/removes privileges for a user to a table, any value listed as false or not supplied as an array key will revoke the privilege
- add_record
- in file dns.php, method Dns_Module::add_record()
bool add_record (string, string, string, string, int)
- add_referral
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::add_referral()
bool add_referral(string[, int = NULL])
- add_shared_domain
- in file aliases.php, method Aliases_Module::add_shared_domain()
- add_shared_domain_backend
- in file aliases.php, method Aliases_Module::add_shared_domain_backend()
- add_ssn
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::add_ssn()
bool add_ssn(int)
- add_subdomain
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::add_subdomain()
- add_user
- in file user.php, method User_Module::add_user()
- add_user_backend
- in file user.php, method User_Module::add_user_backend()
- add_vacation
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::add_vacation()
- add_vacation_backend
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::add_vacation_backend()
- add_virtual_transport
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::add_virtual_transport()
- add_zone_backend
- in file dns.php, method Dns_Module::add_zone_backend()
- admin.php
- procedural page admin.php
- Admin_Module
- in file admin.php, class Admin_Module
- affiliation_exists
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::affiliation_exists()
- aliases.php
- procedural page aliases.php
- Aliases_Module
- in file aliases.php, class Aliases_Module
- append_trouble_ticket
- in file crm.php, method Crm_Module::append_trouble_ticket()
bool append_trouble_ticket (integer, string[, string = "append"])
- assert_mysql_permissions
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::assert_mysql_permissions()
Ensure that /var/lib/mysql/ has mysql:<group id> ownership
- auth.php
- procedural page auth.php
- Auth_Module
- in file auth.php, class Auth_Module
- $binary_handler
- in file gzip.php, variable Gzip_Filter::$binary_handler
- $binary_handler
- in file rar.php, variable Rar_Filter::$binary_handler
- $binary_handler
- in file bzip.php, variable Bzip_Filter::$binary_handler
- $binary_handler
- in file zip.php, variable Zip_Filter::$binary_handler
- backup_generic.php
- procedural page backup_generic.php
- backup.php
- procedural page backup.php
- Backup_Generic
- in file backup_generic.php, class Backup_Generic
- Backup_Module
- in file backup.php, class Backup_Module
- bandwidth.php
- procedural page bandwidth.php
- Bandwidth_Module
- in file bandwidth.php, class Bandwidth_Module
- billing.php
- procedural page billing.php
- Billing_Module
- in file billing.php, class Billing_Module
- bind_dav
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::bind_dav()
- bind_dav_backend
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::bind_dav_backend()
- bool
- in file backup_generic.php, constant bool
- Bzip_Filter
- in file bzip.php, class Bzip_Filter
- bzip.php
- procedural page bzip.php
- $calling_class
- in file rar.php, variable Rar_Filter::$calling_class
- $calling_class
- in file bzip.php, variable Bzip_Filter::$calling_class
- $calling_class
- in file gzip.php, variable Gzip_Filter::$calling_class
- $calling_class
- in file zip.php, variable Zip_Filter::$calling_class
- $compression_instances
- in file file.php, variable File_Module::$compression_instances
- $configuration_options
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$configuration_options
- $cvs_rpms
- in file verco.php, variable Verco_Module::$cvs_rpms
- cpanel.php
- procedural page cpanel.php
- call_proc
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::call_proc()
- call_proc_sudo
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::call_proc_sudo()
- changelog
- in file misc.php, method Misc_Module::changelog()
- changelog_backend
- in file misc.php, method Misc_Module::changelog_backend()
- change_billing_information
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::change_billing_information()
- change_configuration_options
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::change_configuration_options()
- change_credit_card_information
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::change_credit_card_information()
- change_password
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::change_password()
- change_password
- in file auth.php, method Auth_Module::change_password()
bool change_password(string[[, string], string])
- change_password_backend
- in file auth.php, method Auth_Module::change_password_backend()
- change_payout_preference
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::change_payout_preference()
- change_vacation_message
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::change_vacation_message()
- change_vacation_message_backend
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::change_vacation_message_backend()
- chgrp
- in file file.php, method File_Module::chgrp()
bool chgrp(string, string[, bool = false])
- chgrp_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::chgrp_backend()
- chmod
- in file file.php, method File_Module::chmod()
bool chmod (string, int)
- chmod_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::chmod_backend()
bool chmod_backend (string, int[, bool = false])
- chown
- in file file.php, method File_Module::chown()
bool chown(string, string[, bool = false])
- chown_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::chown_backend()
- chown_symlink
- in file file.php, method File_Module::chown_symlink()
- chown_symlink_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::chown_symlink_backend()
- close_trouble_ticket
- in file crm.php, method Crm_Module::close_trouble_ticket()
bool close_trouble_ticket (integer, string)
- common.php
- procedural page common.php
- compare_versions
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::compare_versions()
int compare_versions(string, string, string)
- compression_interface.php
- procedural page compression_interface.php
- Compression_Interface
- in file compression_interface.php, class Compression_Interface
- connect
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::connect()
- convert_eol
- in file file.php, method File_Module::convert_eol()
- convert_eol_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::convert_eol_backend()
- copy
- in file file.php, method File_Module::copy()
- in file crm.php, class constant Crm_Module::COPY_ADMIN
- copy_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::copy_backend()
- copy_storehouse
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::copy_storehouse()
- copy_storehouse_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::copy_storehouse_backend()
bool copy_storehouse_backend(string, string)
- copy_storehouse_raw
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::copy_storehouse_raw()
- copy_storehouse_raw_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::copy_storehouse_raw_backend()
bool copy_storehouse_raw_backend(string, string, string) Similar to copy_storehouse_backend, except source references a file within /var/storehouse/<application>/.
- create_archive
- in file rar.php, method Rar_Filter::create_archive()
- create_archive
- in file bzip.php, method Bzip_Filter::create_archive()
- create_archive
- in file gzip.php, method Gzip_Filter::create_archive()
- create_archive
- in file compression_interface.php, method Compression_Interface::create_archive()
- create_archive
- in file zip.php, method Zip_Filter::create_archive()
- create_cvs_repository
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::create_cvs_repository()
- create_cvs_repository_backend
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::create_cvs_repository_backend()
- create_directory
- in file file.php, method File_Module::create_directory()
bool create_directory (string[, int[, bool]]) Creates a directory within the filesystem and will recursively create parent directories if need be
- create_directory_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::create_directory_backend()
bool create_directory_backend (string)
- create_file
- in file file.php, method File_Module::create_file()
bool create_file (string[, integer = 0644])
- create_file_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::create_file_backend()
bool create_file_backend (string, integer)
- create_Install
- in file create.php, class create_Install
- create_maildir_backend
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::create_maildir_backend()
- create_mailing_list
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::create_mailing_list()
- create_mailing_list_backend
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::create_mailing_list_backend()
- create_mysql_database
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::create_mysql_database()
bool create_mysql_database (string)
- create_mysql_database_backend
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::create_mysql_database_backend()
bool create_mysql_database_backend (string)
- create_pgsql_database
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::create_pgsql_database()
bool create_pgsql_database (string)
- create_profile
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::create_profile()
create_profile first checks for the affiliation necessary during
- create_profile_backend
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::create_profile_backend()
- create_referral_profile
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::create_referral_profile()
array create_referral_profile(string)
- create_soap_key
- in file auth.php, method Auth_Module::create_soap_key()
string create_soap_key (string)
- create_svn_repository
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::create_svn_repository()
- create_svn_repository_backend
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::create_svn_repository_backend()
- create_symlink
- in file file.php, method File_Module::create_symlink()
- create_symlink_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::create_symlink_backend()
- create_user
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::create_user()
- crm.php
- procedural page crm.php
- Crm_Module
- in file crm.php, class Crm_Module
- crontab.php
- procedural page crontab.php
- crontab_enabled
- in file crontab.php, method Crontab_Module::crontab_enabled()
bool crontab_enabled() Returns true if the cron daemon is running within the environment, false if not. Note well that it will return false IF the cron daemon is installed within the account, but is not running on the system.
- Crontab_Module
- in file crontab.php, class Crontab_Module
- cvs_enabled
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::cvs_enabled()
bool cvs_enabled (void)
- config_skeleton.php
- procedural page config_skeleton.php
- create.php
- procedural page create.php
- dashboard_memory_usage
- in file misc.php, method Misc_Module::dashboard_memory_usage()
int dashboard_memory_usage()
- decrypt_sql_password
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::decrypt_sql_password()
string decrypt_sql_password (string, string)
- delegate_new_one_click
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::delegate_new_one_click()
bool delegate_new_one_click (string, string, string, string)
- delegate_new_one_click_backend
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::delegate_new_one_click_backend()
- delete
- in file file.php, method File_Module::delete()
bool delete (mixed, [bool = FALSE]) Deletes a file from within the filesystem and calls can_delete
- delete_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::delete_backend()
bool delete_backend (mixed, [bool = FALSE])
- delete_cronjob
- in file crontab.php, method Crontab_Module::delete_cronjob()
bool delete_cronjob (mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed)
- delete_cronjob_backend
- in file crontab.php, method Crontab_Module::delete_cronjob_backend()
bool delete_cronjob_backend (mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed)
- delete_cvs_repository
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::delete_cvs_repository()
- delete_cvs_repository_backend
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::delete_cvs_repository_backend()
- delete_file
- in file zip.php, method Zip_Filter::delete_file()
- delete_file
- in file gzip.php, method Gzip_Filter::delete_file()
- delete_file
- in file rar.php, method Rar_Filter::delete_file()
- delete_file
- in file compression_interface.php, method Compression_Interface::delete_file()
- delete_file
- in file bzip.php, method Bzip_Filter::delete_file()
- delete_mailing_list
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::delete_mailing_list()
- delete_mailing_list_backend
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::delete_mailing_list_backend()
- delete_mysql_backup
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::delete_mysql_backup()
- delete_mysql_database
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::delete_mysql_database()
bool delete_mysql_database(string)
- delete_mysql_database_backend
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::delete_mysql_database_backend()
- delete_mysql_user
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::delete_mysql_user()
bool delete_mysql_user(string, string[, bool = false])
- delete_mysql_user_permissions
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::delete_mysql_user_permissions()
- delete_pgsql_backup
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::delete_pgsql_backup()
- delete_pgsql_database
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::delete_pgsql_database()
bool delete_pgsql_database(string)
- delete_pgsql_user
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::delete_pgsql_user()
bool delete_pgsql_user(string[, bool = false])
- delete_pgsql_user_permissions
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::delete_pgsql_user_permissions()
- delete_soap_key
- in file auth.php, method Auth_Module::delete_soap_key()
- delete_sql_password
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::delete_sql_password()
bool delete_sql_password (string[, string])
- delete_svn_repository
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::delete_svn_repository()
- delete_svn_repository_backend
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::delete_svn_repository_backend()
- delete_user
- in file user.php, method User_Module::delete_user()
- delete_user_backend
- in file user.php, method User_Module::delete_user_backend()
- demo.php
- procedural page demo.php
- Demo_Module
- in file demo.php, class Demo_Module
- disable_address
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::disable_address()
- disable_ruby_on_rails
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::disable_ruby_on_rails()
bool disable_ruby_on_rails (void)
- disable_ruby_on_rails_backend
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::disable_ruby_on_rails_backend()
bool disable_ruby_on_rails_backend()
- dns.php
- procedural page dns.php
- Dns_Module
- in file dns.php, class Dns_Module
- domain_hosted
- in file dns.php, method Dns_Module::domain_hosted()
- double
- in file backup_generic.php, constant double
- esprit.php
- procedural page esprit.php
- edit_mysql_backup
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::edit_mysql_backup()
- edit_mysql_user
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::edit_mysql_user()
bool edit_mysql_user(string, string, array) Note when calling through SOAP, all options must be given, otherwise the will default to server preferences.
- edit_payout_amount
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::edit_payout_amount()
bool edit_payout_amount(double)
- edit_pgsql_backup
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::edit_pgsql_backup()
- edit_pgsql_user
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::edit_pgsql_user()
bool edit_pgsql_user(string, string, array)
- edit_referral_profile
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::edit_referral_profile()
bool change_referral_information(array)
- email.php
- procedural page email.php
- Email_Module
- in file email.php, class Email_Module
- enable_address
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::enable_address()
- enable_cvs
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::enable_cvs()
bool enable_cvs (void) Enables CVS support for an account
- enable_cvs_backend
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::enable_cvs_backend()
bool enable_cvs_backend (void)
- enable_ruby_on_rails
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::enable_ruby_on_rails()
bool enable_ruby_on_rails (void)
- enable_ruby_on_rails_backend
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::enable_ruby_on_rails_backend()
- enable_svn
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::enable_svn()
bool enable_svn (void)
- enable_svn_backend
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::enable_svn_backend()
bool enable_svn_backend (void) enable_svn
- encrypt_sql_password
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::encrypt_sql_password()
string encrypt_sql_password(string, string)
- enum
- in file backup_generic.php, constant enum
- enum_radio
- in file backup_generic.php, constant enum_radio
- esprit_Filter
- in file esprit.php, class esprit_Filter
- extract
- in file file.php, method File_Module::extract()
bool extract (string, string)
- extract_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::extract_backend()
bool extract_backend (string, string)
- extract_file
- in file zip.php, method Zip_Filter::extract_file()
- extract_file
- in file gzip.php, method Gzip_Filter::extract_file()
- extract_file
- in file bzip.php, method Bzip_Filter::extract_file()
- extract_file
- in file compression_interface.php, method Compression_Interface::extract_file()
- extract_file
- in file rar.php, method Rar_Filter::extract_file()
- $function_int
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$function_int
- file.php
- procedural page file.php
- file_exists
- in file file.php, method File_Module::file_exists()
- File_Module
- in file file.php, class File_Module
- file_new_trouble_ticket
- in file crm.php, method Crm_Module::file_new_trouble_ticket()
int file_new_trouble_ticket(string, integer, string)
- find_quota_files
- in file file.php, method File_Module::find_quota_files()
- fix_apache_perms
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::fix_apache_perms()
bool fix_apache_perms(string[, bool = false])
- fix_apache_perms_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::fix_apache_perms_backend()
bool fix_apache_perms_backend(mixed [, bool = false])
- format
- in file backup_generic.php, constant format
- in file crm.php, class constant Crm_Module::FROM_ADDRESS
- in file crm.php, class constant Crm_Module::FROM_NAME
- in file crm.php, class constant Crm_Module::FROM_NO_REPLY_ADDRESS
- gzip.php
- procedural page gzip.php
- gallery_Install
- in file gallery.php, class gallery_Install
- gather_files
- in file esprit.php, method esprit_Filter::gather_files()
- gather_files
- in file backup_generic.php, method Backup_Generic::gather_files()
- gem_exists
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::gem_exists()
bool gem_exists (void)
- generate_configuration
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::generate_configuration()
- generate_locales
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::generate_locales()
- get_acls
- in file file.php, method File_Module::get_acls()
array get_acls (string)
- get_acls_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::get_acls_backend()
array get_acls_backend_string (string)
- get_address_from_domain
- in file admin.php, method Admin_Module::get_address_from_domain()
- get_all_composite_bandwidth_data
- in file bandwidth.php, method Bandwidth_Module::get_all_composite_bandwidth_data()
{{{ array get_all_composite_bandwidth_data (void)
- get_all_domains
- in file dns.php, method Dns_Module::get_all_domains()
array get_all_domains (string)
- get_application_audit_status
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_application_audit_status()
bool get_application_status(string)
- get_application_author
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_application_author()
- get_application_author_address
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_application_author_address()
- get_application_configuration_options
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_application_configuration_options()
- get_application_dependencies
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_application_dependencies()
array get_application_dependencies (string)
- get_application_description
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_application_description()
string get_application_description (string)
- get_application_id_by_internal_name
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_application_id_by_internal_name()
- get_application_installs
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_application_installs()
- get_application_installs
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_application_installs()
- get_application_install_configuration
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_application_install_configuration()
- get_application_install_space
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_application_install_space()
- get_application_logo
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_application_logo()
string get_logo (string)
- get_application_rating
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_application_rating()
float get_application_rating(int)
- get_application_version
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_application_version()
- get_application_website
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_application_website()
- get_archive_contents
- in file file.php, method File_Module::get_archive_contents()
array get_archive_contents (string)
- get_archive_contents_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::get_archive_contents_backend()
array get_archive_contents_backend (string)
- get_audit_status
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_audit_status()
- get_author
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_author()
- get_author_address
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_author_address()
- get_backup_options
- in file backup_generic.php, method Backup_Generic::get_backup_options()
- get_backup_options
- in file esprit.php, method esprit_Filter::get_backup_options()
- get_backup_options
- in file backup.php, method Backup_Module::get_backup_options()
- get_bandwidth_by_service
- in file bandwidth.php, method Bandwidth_Module::get_bandwidth_by_service()
- get_bandwidth_usage
- in file site.php, method Site_Module::get_bandwidth_usage()
array get_bandwidth_usage(string)
- get_billing_information
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_billing_information()
- get_comissions
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_comissions()
- get_contact_by_id
- in file crm.php, method Crm_Module::get_contact_by_id()
string get_contact_by_id(int)
- get_credit_card_information
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_credit_card_information()
- get_current_system_cvs_version
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::get_current_system_cvs_version()
- get_current_system_svn_version
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::get_current_system_svn_version()
- get_customer_referral_information
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_customer_referral_information()
array get_customer_referral_information()
- get_customer_since
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_customer_since()
- get_cycle_periods
- in file bandwidth.php, method Bandwidth_Module::get_cycle_periods()
{{{ array get_rollover_periods (void)
- get_database_prefix
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_database_prefix()
- get_database_size
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::get_database_size()
int get_database_size(string, string)
- get_database_size_backend
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::get_database_size_backend()
int get_database_size_backend(string, string)
- get_dependencies
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_dependencies()
- get_description
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_description()
- get_directory_contents
- in file file.php, method File_Module::get_directory_contents()
array get_directory_contents (string)
- get_directory_contents_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::get_directory_contents_backend()
array get_directory_contents_backend (string)
- get_domains
- in file admin.php, method Admin_Module::get_domains()
array get_domains()
- get_domain_from_list_name
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::get_domain_from_list_name()
- get_domain_from_list_name_backend
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::get_domain_from_list_name_backend()
- get_elevated_password_backend
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::get_elevated_password_backend()
- get_event_data
- in file monitor.php, method Monitor_Module::get_event_data()
{{{ array get_event_data string
- get_file_contents
- in file file.php, method File_Module::get_file_contents()
mixed get_file_contents (string)
- get_file_contents_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::get_file_contents_backend()
string get_file_contents_backend (string)
- get_frontpage_status
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::get_frontpage_status()
bool get_frontpage_status()
- get_gem_description
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::get_gem_description()
string get_gem_description (string)
- get_hosting_subscription
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_hosting_subscription()
- get_install_database
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_install_database()
- get_install_path
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_install_path()
- get_install_url
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_install_url()
- get_instance_configuration
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_instance_configuration()
- get_local_installed_cvs_version
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::get_local_installed_cvs_version()
- get_local_installed_svn_version
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::get_local_installed_svn_version()
- get_logo
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_logo()
- get_mailing_list_users
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::get_mailing_list_users()
- get_mailing_list_users_backend
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::get_mailing_list_users_backend()
- get_memory_information
- in file stats.php, method Stats_Module::get_memory_information()
array get_memory_information()
- get_mime_type
- in file file.php, method File_Module::get_mime_type()
string get_mime_type (string)
- get_mime_type_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::get_mime_type_backend()
string get_mime_type_backend (string)
- get_minimum_payout_amount
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_minimum_payout_amount()
float get_minimum_payout_amount
- get_mysql_uptime
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::get_mysql_uptime()
int get_mysql_uptime
- get_mysql_user_permissions
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::get_mysql_user_permissions()
- get_network_device_information
- in file stats.php, method Stats_Module::get_network_device_information()
array get_network_device_information
- get_next_payment_date
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_next_payment_date()
int get_next_payment_date()
- get_original_version
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_original_version()
- get_package_type
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_package_type()
- get_partition_information
- in file stats.php, method Stats_Module::get_partition_information()
array get_partition_information
- get_payment_information
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_payment_information()
array get_payment_information(string)
- get_payment_method
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_payment_method()
- get_payout_amount
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_payout_amount()
float get_payout_amount()
- get_pear_description
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::get_pear_description()
string get_pear_description (string)
- get_pgsql_uptime
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::get_pgsql_uptime()
int get_pgsql_uptime
- get_pgsql_user_permissions
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::get_pgsql_user_permissions()
void get_pgsql_user_permissions(string, string)
- get_postback
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_postback()
- get_profiles
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::get_profiles()
- get_profiles_backend
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::get_profiles_backend()
- get_profile_count
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::get_profile_count()
- get_profile_username
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::get_profile_username()
- get_prune_period
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::get_prune_period()
int get_prune_period()
- get_quota_history
- in file user.php, method User_Module::get_quota_history()
array get_quota_history(string[, int = 0[, int = 0]])
- get_recent_one_clicks
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::get_recent_one_clicks()
array get_recent_one_clicks([int = 5])
- get_records_by_rr
- in file dns.php, method Dns_Module::get_records_by_rr()
array get_records_by_rr (string) get_zone_information
- get_referral_username
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_referral_username()
- get_registered_extensions
- in file file.php, method File_Module::get_registered_extensions()
array get_registered_extensions ()
- get_renewal_hash
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_renewal_hash()
- get_restore_options
- in file esprit.php, method esprit_Filter::get_restore_options()
- get_restore_options
- in file backup_generic.php, method Backup_Generic::get_restore_options()
- get_site_id
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_site_id()
- get_site_id_from_domain
- in file admin.php, method Admin_Module::get_site_id_from_domain()
- get_site_services
- in file site.php, method Site_Module::get_site_services()
object get_site_services()
- get_soap_keys
- in file auth.php, method Auth_Module::get_soap_keys()
array get_soap_keys (void)
- get_space
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_space()
- get_spamassassin_stats
- in file stats.php, method Stats_Module::get_spamassassin_stats()
- get_spool_size
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::get_spool_size()
- get_spool_size_backend
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::get_spool_size_backend()
- get_sql_prefix
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::get_sql_prefix()
- get_standing_status
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::get_standing_status()
int get_standing_status()
- get_subject_by_id
- in file crm.php, method Crm_Module::get_subject_by_id()
string get subject_by_id(int)
- get_target_version
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_target_version()
- get_ticket_type_as_id
- in file crm.php, method Crm_Module::get_ticket_type_as_id()
- get_trac_version
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::get_trac_version()
- get_trouble_ticket
- in file crm.php, method Crm_Module::get_trouble_ticket()
array get_trouble_ticket(integer)
- get_trouble_tickets_restricted
- in file crm.php, method Crm_Module::get_trouble_tickets_restricted()
array get_trouble_tickets_restricted (bool)
- get_trouble_tickets_unrestricted
- in file crm.php, method Crm_Module::get_trouble_tickets_unrestricted()
array get_trouble_tickets_unrestricted(bool)
- get_trouble_ticket_subjects
- in file crm.php, method Crm_Module::get_trouble_ticket_subjects()
array get_troubleticket_subjects (void)
- get_urchin_disk_usage
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::get_urchin_disk_usage()
int get_urchin_disk_usage() This method counts only those profiles whose gid equals that of the site and thus counted under the quota.
- get_urchin_disk_usage_backend
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::get_urchin_disk_usage_backend()
- get_users
- in file site.php, method Site_Module::get_users()
array get_users()
- get_users_backend
- in file site.php, method Site_Module::get_users_backend()
array get_users_backend() Finds all applicable users created and returns an array consisting of their information from /etc/passwd. Indexed by username.
- get_user_count
- in file site.php, method Site_Module::get_user_count()
array get_users () Finds the number of users currently on an account and the maximum number permitted.
- get_user_count_backend
- in file site.php, method Site_Module::get_user_count_backend()
int get_users_backend () Backend query to gather the number of users attached to a domain, excluding the base site administrator, so it will return the number of users in a site minus 1 to account for the primary user.
- get_user_home
- in file user.php, method User_Module::get_user_home()
- get_vacation_message
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::get_vacation_message()
- get_vacation_message_backend
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::get_vacation_message_backend()
- get_version
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_version()
- get_versions
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_versions()
- get_version_hierarchy
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_version_hierarchy()
- get_webserver_log_usage
- in file logs.php, method Logs_Module::get_webserver_log_usage()
- get_website
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::get_website()
- get_whois_record
- in file dns.php, method Dns_Module::get_whois_record()
string get_whois_record (string)
- get_zones
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::get_zones()
- get_zone_information
- in file dns.php, method Dns_Module::get_zone_information()
array get_zone_information (string)
- Gzip_Filter
- in file gzip.php, class Gzip_Filter
- gallery.php
- procedural page gallery.php
- $installation_type
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$installation_type
- install
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::install()
- install
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::install()
- install
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file create.php, method create_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::install()
Perform the application installation process
- install_cpan_package
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::install_cpan_package()
- install_cpan_package_backend
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::install_cpan_package_backend()
- install_gem
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::install_gem()
string install_gem (string)
- install_gem_backend
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::install_gem_backend()
string install_gem_backend (string)
- install_pear_package
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::install_pear_package()
string install_pear_packages (string)
- install_pear_package_backend
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::install_pear_package_backend()
string install_pear_package_backend (string)
- install_trac
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::install_trac()
- install_trac_backend
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::install_trac_backend()
- int
- in file backup_generic.php, constant int
- is_billed
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::is_billed()
bool is_billed()
- is_compressed
- in file file.php, method File_Module::is_compressed()
bool is_compressed (string)
- is_cvs_repository
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::is_cvs_repository()
- is_svn_repository
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::is_svn_repository()
- is_upgradeable
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::is_upgradeable()
- list_aliases
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::list_aliases()
- list_aliases
- in file aliases.php, method Aliases_Module::list_aliases()
array list_aliases()
- list_cronjobs
- in file crontab.php, method Crontab_Module::list_cronjobs()
array list_cronjobs()
- list_cronjobs_backend
- in file crontab.php, method Crontab_Module::list_cronjobs_backend()
array list_cronjobs_backend
- list_dav_locations
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::list_dav_locations()
- list_files
- in file rar.php, method Rar_Filter::list_files()
- list_files
- in file gzip.php, method Gzip_Filter::list_files()
- list_files
- in file zip.php, method Zip_Filter::list_files()
- list_files
- in file bzip.php, method Bzip_Filter::list_files()
- list_files
- in file compression_interface.php, method Compression_Interface::list_files()
- list_filters
- in file backup.php, method Backup_Module::list_filters()
array list_filters(string)
- list_installed_gems
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::list_installed_gems()
array list_installed_gems (void)
- list_installed_gems_backend
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::list_installed_gems_backend()
array list_installed_gems_backend (void)
- list_installed_pear_packages
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::list_installed_pear_packages()
array list_installed_pear_packages (void)
- list_installed_pear_packages_backend
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::list_installed_pear_packages_backend()
array list_installed_pear_packages (void)
- list_known_cvs_repositories
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::list_known_cvs_repositories()
array list_known_cvs_repositories (void)
- list_known_svn_repositories
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::list_known_svn_repositories()
array list_known_svn_repositories (void)
- list_logfiles
- in file logs.php, method Logs_Module::list_logfiles()
array list_logfiles()
- list_mailboxes
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::list_mailboxes()
- list_mailing_lists
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::list_mailing_lists()
- list_mailing_lists_backend
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::list_mailing_lists_backend()
- list_mysql_backups
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::list_mysql_backups()
- list_mysql_databases
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::list_mysql_databases()
array list_mysql_databases ()
- list_mysql_users
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::list_mysql_users()
array list_mysql_users ()
- list_one_clicks_by_upgrade
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::list_one_clicks_by_upgrade()
- list_one_click_applications
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::list_one_click_applications()
array list_one_click_applications
- list_one_click_categories
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::list_one_click_categories()
- list_payments
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::list_payments()
array list_payments
- list_pgsql_backups
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::list_pgsql_backups()
- list_pgsql_databases
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::list_pgsql_databases()
array list_mysql_databases ()
- list_pgsql_users
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::list_pgsql_users()
array list_pgsql_users ()
- list_remote_gems
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::list_remote_gems()
array list_remote_gems (void)
- list_remote_pear_packages
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::list_remote_pear_packages()
array list_remote_pear_packages (void) Queries PEAR for all available PEAR packages, analogous to running pear list-all from the command line.
- list_shared_domains
- in file aliases.php, method Aliases_Module::list_shared_domains()
array list_shared_domains()
- list_subdomains
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::list_subdomains()
array list_subdomains ()
- list_virtual_transports
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::list_virtual_transports()
- load_configuration_options
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::load_configuration_options()
- locate_profile
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::locate_profile()
- locate_profile_backend
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::locate_profile_backend()
mixed locate_urchin_profile (void)
- logs.php
- procedural page logs.php
- Logs_Module
- in file logs.php, class Logs_Module
- log_status
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::log_status()
- lservice_memory_usage
- in file misc.php, method Misc_Module::lservice_memory_usage()
int lservice_memory_usage()
- lservice_memory_usage_backend
- in file misc.php, method Misc_Module::lservice_memory_usage_backend()
- lucida_Install
- in file lucida.php, class lucida_Install
- lucida.php
- procedural page lucida.php
- $mapping_list
- in file bzip.php, variable Bzip_Filter::$mapping_list
- $mapping_list
- in file zip.php, variable Zip_Filter::$mapping_list
- $mapping_list
- in file gzip.php, variable Gzip_Filter::$mapping_list
- $mapping_list
- in file rar.php, variable Rar_Filter::$mapping_list
- $mysql
- in file majordomo.php, variable Majordomo_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file sql.php, variable Sql_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file admin.php, variable Admin_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file web.php, variable Web_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file misc.php, variable Misc_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file oneclick.php, variable Oneclick_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file monitor.php, variable Monitor_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file urchin.php, variable Urchin_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file user.php, variable User_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file verco.php, variable Verco_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file logs.php, variable Logs_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file billing.php, variable Billing_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file crm.php, variable Crm_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file bandwidth.php, variable Bandwidth_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file backup.php, variable Backup_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file aliases.php, variable Aliases_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file auth.php, variable Auth_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file crontab.php, variable Crontab_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file dns.php, variable Dns_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file file.php, variable File_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file email.php, variable Email_Module::$mysql
- $mysql
- in file stats.php, variable Stats_Module::$mysql
- $mysql_database
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$mysql_database
- $mysql_password
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$mysql_password
- $mysql_rpms
- in file web.php, variable Web_Module::$mysql_rpms
- $mysql_user
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$mysql_user
- mailing_lists_exist
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::mailing_lists_exist()
- mailing_lists_exist_backend
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::mailing_lists_exist_backend()
- majordomo.php
- procedural page majordomo.php
- Majordomo_Module
- in file majordomo.php, class Majordomo_Module
- make_path
- in file file.php, method File_Module::make_path()
string make_path (string)
- in file urchin.php, class constant Urchin_Module::MAX_FREE_PROFILES
- mediawiki_Install
- in file mediawiki.php, class mediawiki_Install
- misc.php
- procedural page misc.php
- Misc_Module
- in file misc.php, class Misc_Module
- monitor.php
- procedural page monitor.php
- Monitor_Module
- in file monitor.php, class Monitor_Module
- move
- in file file.php, method File_Module::move()
bool move(string, string[, bool = false])
- move_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::move_backend()
bool move_backend(string, string, bool)
- mysql_dump
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::mysql_dump()
- mysql_dump_backend
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::mysql_dump_backend()
- mysql_import
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::mysql_import()
bool mysql_import(string, string, string, strin)
- mysql_import
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::mysql_import()
- in file sql.php, constant MYSQL_USER_FIELD_SIZE
- mediawiki.php
- procedural page mediawiki.php
- $pgsql
- in file misc.php, variable Misc_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file monitor.php, variable Monitor_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file oneclick.php, variable Oneclick_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file crm.php, variable Crm_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file crontab.php, variable Crontab_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file logs.php, variable Logs_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file majordomo.php, variable Majordomo_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file email.php, variable Email_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file dns.php, variable Dns_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file admin.php, variable Admin_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file sql.php, variable Sql_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file web.php, variable Web_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file backup.php, variable Backup_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file auth.php, variable Auth_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file aliases.php, variable Aliases_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file verco.php, variable Verco_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file user.php, variable User_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file stats.php, variable Stats_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file billing.php, variable Billing_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file bandwidth.php, variable Bandwidth_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file urchin.php, variable Urchin_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql
- in file file.php, variable File_Module::$pgsql
- $pgsql_database
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$pgsql_database
- $pgsql_password
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$pgsql_password
- $pgsql_user
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$pgsql_user
- $postgresql_rpms
- in file web.php, variable Web_Module::$postgresql_rpms
- phpBB.php
- procedural page phpBB.php
- punBB.php
- procedural page punBB.php
- patch
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::patch()
bool patch(string, int)
- patch
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::patch()
- patch
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file create.php, method create_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::patch()
Call diff command, patch application, do anything else...
- patch_exists
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::patch_exists()
The patch process works as follows: 1) Use xdiff (or diff binary itself) to generate diffs between <old> and <new> and store the diffs under /tmp/. Return the array of different files.
- perform_backup
- in file backup.php, method Backup_Module::perform_backup()
- perform_backup
- in file backup_generic.php, method Backup_Generic::perform_backup()
- perform_backup
- in file esprit.php, method esprit_Filter::perform_backup()
- perform_backup_stub
- in file backup_generic.php, method Backup_Generic::perform_backup_stub()
- perform_restore
- in file backup_generic.php, method Backup_Generic::perform_restore()
- perform_restore
- in file esprit.php, method esprit_Filter::perform_restore()
- pgsql_dump
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::pgsql_dump()
- pgsql_import
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::pgsql_import()
bool pgsql_import(string, string, string, strin)
- pgsql_import
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::pgsql_import()
- pg_vacuum_db
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::pg_vacuum_db()
string pg_vacuum_db (string)
- pg_vacuum_db_backend
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::pg_vacuum_db_backend()
- phpBB_Install
- in file phpBB.php, class phpBB_Install
- in file majordomo.php, class constant Majordomo_Module::POSTFIX_LOCAL_ALIASES_FILE
- post_configuration
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::post_configuration()
- post_configuration
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::post_configuration()
- post_configuration
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_configuration
- in file create.php, method create_Install::post_configuration()
Validate input.
- post_install
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::post_install()
- post_install
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file create.php, method create_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_install
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::post_install()
Clean-up any remaining files, reinitialize variables, et cetera
- post_patch
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file create.php, method create_Install::post_patch()
Post-patch cleanup
- post_patch
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::post_patch()
- prep_tablespace_backend
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::prep_tablespace_backend()
void prep_tablespace_backend ()
- pre_configuration
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::pre_configuration()
- pre_configuration
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::pre_configuration()
- pre_configuration
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file create.php, method create_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_configuration
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::pre_configuration()
Pre configuration hooks. This function is reserved for ensuring that the user has the necessary features enabled for the account in order to install the application fine.
- pre_install
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::pre_install()
- pre_install
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file create.php, method create_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::pre_install()
Ensure that the filesystem meets the needs of the application.
- pre_install
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::pre_install()
- pre_patch
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file create.php, method create_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::pre_patch()
- pre_patch
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- pre_patch
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::pre_patch()
Double check files exist prior to patch
- process_application
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::process_application()
bool process_application(string, array)
- process_installation
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::process_installation()
- procfs_enabled
- in file misc.php, method Misc_Module::procfs_enabled()
- profile_exists
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::profile_exists()
- punBB_Install
- in file punBB.php, class punBB_Install
- put_file_contents
- in file file.php, method File_Module::put_file_contents()
bool put_file_contents (string, string[, bool = FALSE])
- put_file_contents_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::put_file_contents_backend()
string put_file_contents_backend (string)
- $registered_extensions
- in file file.php, variable File_Module::$registered_extensions
- $ruby_rpms
- in file web.php, variable Web_Module::$ruby_rpms
- rar.php
- procedural page rar.php
- Rar_Filter
- in file rar.php, class Rar_Filter
- record_exists
- in file dns.php, method Dns_Module::record_exists()
- referral_profile_exists
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::referral_profile_exists()
bool referral_profile_exists
- reload
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::reload()
- remove_alias
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::remove_alias()
- remove_alias
- in file aliases.php, method Aliases_Module::remove_alias()
- remove_alias_backend
- in file aliases.php, method Aliases_Module::remove_alias_backend()
- remove_logfile
- in file logs.php, method Logs_Module::remove_logfile()
bool remove_logfile(string, string)
- remove_logfile_backend
- in file logs.php, method Logs_Module::remove_logfile_backend()
- remove_mailbox
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::remove_mailbox()
- remove_one_click
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::remove_one_click()
- remove_record
- in file dns.php, method Dns_Module::remove_record()
bool remove_record (string, string) Removes a record from a zone.
- remove_shared_domain
- in file aliases.php, method Aliases_Module::remove_shared_domain()
bool remove_shared_domain(string)
- remove_shared_domain_backend
- in file aliases.php, method Aliases_Module::remove_shared_domain_backend()
- remove_ssn
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::remove_ssn()
bool remove_ssn(0
- remove_subdomain
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::remove_subdomain()
- remove_vacation
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::remove_vacation()
bool remove_vacation ([string])
- remove_vacation_backend
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::remove_vacation_backend()
- remove_virtual_transport
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::remove_virtual_transport()
- remove_web_log_rotation_profile
- in file logs.php, method Logs_Module::remove_web_log_rotation_profile()
bool remove_log_rotation_profile(string)
- remove_web_log_rotation_profile_backend
- in file logs.php, method Logs_Module::remove_web_log_rotation_profile_backend()
- remove_zone_backend
- in file dns.php, method Dns_Module::remove_zone_backend()
- rename
- in file file.php, method File_Module::rename()
- rename_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::rename_backend()
- rename_mailbox
- in file email.php, method Email_Module::rename_mailbox()
- rename_subdomain
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::rename_subdomain()
- render_configuration
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::render_configuration()
- reopen_trouble_ticket
- in file crm.php, method Crm_Module::reopen_trouble_ticket()
bool reopen_trouble_ticket(int)
- report_quota
- in file file.php, method File_Module::report_quota()
array report_quota (mixed)
- report_quota_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::report_quota_backend()
- retrieve_sql_password
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::retrieve_sql_password()
string retrieve_sql_password (string)
- in file web.php, constant RUBY_DIR
- ruby_exists
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::ruby_exists()
bool ruby_exists (void)
- ruby_on_rails_enabled
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::ruby_on_rails_enabled()
bool ruby_on_rails_enabled (void)
- $seeded
- in file auth.php, variable Auth_Module::$seeded
- $seeded
- in file logs.php, variable Logs_Module::$seeded
- $seeded
- in file bandwidth.php, variable Bandwidth_Module::$seeded
- $service_cache
- in file misc.php, variable Misc_Module::$service_cache
- $service_cache
- in file verco.php, variable Verco_Module::$service_cache
- $service_cache
- in file web.php, variable Web_Module::$service_cache
- $site_id
- in file one_click_generic.php, variable One_Click_Generic::$site_id
- $stat_cache
- in file file.php, variable File_Module::$stat_cache
- $svn_rpms
- in file verco.php, variable Verco_Module::$svn_rpms
- sanitize
- in file file.php, method File_Module::sanitize()
bool sanitize (mixed)
- save_configuration_options
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::save_configuration_options()
- search_trouble_tickets
- in file crm.php, method Crm_Module::search_trouble_tickets()
array search_trouble_tickets (string, integer)
- service_enabled
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::service_enabled()
bool service_enabled (string)
- set
- in file backup_generic.php, constant set
- setup_mysql
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::setup_mysql()
- setup_pgsql
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::setup_pgsql()
- set_admin_email
- in file site.php, method Site_Module::set_admin_email()
bool set_admin_email(string email)
- set_admin_email_backend
- in file site.php, method Site_Module::set_admin_email_backend()
bool set_admin_email (string)
- set_database_prefix
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_database_prefix()
- set_dependencies
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_dependencies()
- set_description
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_description()
- set_function_int
- in file backup_generic.php, method Backup_Generic::set_function_int()
- set_function_int
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_function_int()
- set_handler
- in file rar.php, method Rar_Filter::set_handler()
- set_handler
- in file bzip.php, method Bzip_Filter::set_handler()
- set_handler
- in file gzip.php, method Gzip_Filter::set_handler()
- set_handler
- in file zip.php, method Zip_Filter::set_handler()
- set_handler
- in file compression_interface.php, method Compression_Interface::set_handler()
- set_handler
- in file file.php, method File_Module::set_handler()
- set_install_type
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_install_type()
- set_mailing_list_users
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::set_mailing_list_users()
- set_mailing_list_users_backend
- in file majordomo.php, method Majordomo_Module::set_mailing_list_users_backend()
- set_mysql
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_mysql()
- set_mysql
- in file backup_generic.php, method Backup_Generic::set_mysql()
- set_options
- in file esprit.php, method esprit_Filter::set_options()
- set_options
- in file backup_generic.php, method Backup_Generic::set_options()
- set_pgsql
- in file backup_generic.php, method Backup_Generic::set_pgsql()
- set_pgsql
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_pgsql()
- set_php5_behavior
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::set_php5_behavior()
bool set_php5_behavior (string[, array]) Sets the PHP5 behavior on scripts for a site. This is merely a frontend for the .htaccess trick (
- set_php5_behavior_backend
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::set_php5_behavior_backend()
bool set_php5_behavior_backend (string, array)
- set_prune_period
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::set_prune_period()
bool set_prune_period(int)
- set_prune_period_backend
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::set_prune_period_backend()
- set_space
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_space()
- set_version
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_version()
- set_website
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::set_website()
- in file crm.php, class constant Crm_Module::SHORT_COPY_ADMIN
- site.php
- procedural page site.php
- Site_Module
- in file site.php, class Site_Module
- sql.php
- procedural page sql.php
- Sql_Module
- in file sql.php, class Sql_Module
- ssn_is_set
- in file billing.php, method Billing_Module::ssn_is_set()
- stat
- in file bzip.php, method Bzip_Filter::stat()
- stat
- in file file.php, method File_Module::stat()
array stat (string)
- stat
- in file compression_interface.php, method Compression_Interface::stat()
- stat
- in file zip.php, method Zip_Filter::stat()
- stat
- in file gzip.php, method Gzip_Filter::stat()
- stat
- in file rar.php, method Rar_Filter::stat()
- stats.php
- procedural page stats.php
- Stats_Module
- in file stats.php, class Stats_Module
- stat_backend
- in file file.php, method File_Module::stat_backend()
array stat_backend (string)
- store_sql_password
- in file sql.php, method Sql_Module::store_sql_password()
bool store_sql_password (string, string)
- string
- in file backup_generic.php, constant string
- svn_enabled
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::svn_enabled()
bool svn_enabled Checks to see if Subversion is enabled for an account
- synchronize_changes
- in file aliases.php, method Aliases_Module::synchronize_changes()
- synchronize_changes_backend
- in file aliases.php, method Aliases_Module::synchronize_changes_backend()
- typo.php
- procedural page typo.php
- test_array
- in file demo.php, method Demo_Module::test_array()
array test_array(int[, int])
- test_exception
- in file demo.php, method Demo_Module::test_exception()
bool test_exception([bool = false])
- test_scalar
- in file demo.php, method Demo_Module::test_scalar()
int test_scalar(int, int)
- text
- in file backup_generic.php, constant text
- toggle_crontab_status
- in file crontab.php, method Crontab_Module::toggle_crontab_status()
bool toggle_crontab_status (integer)
- toggle_frontpage
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::toggle_frontpage()
bool toggle_frontpage
- toggle_frontpage_backend
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::toggle_frontpage_backend()
bool toggle_frontpage_backend (int)
- toggle_procfs
- in file misc.php, method Misc_Module::toggle_procfs()
- toggle_procfs_backend
- in file misc.php, method Misc_Module::toggle_procfs_backend()
- trac_installed
- in file verco.php, method Verco_Module::trac_installed()
- in file verco.php, class constant Verco_Module::TRAC_VERSION
- Typo_Install
- in file typo.php, class Typo_Install
- $UID_Mappings
- in file file.php, variable File_Module::$UID_Mappings
- $user_srvc_cache
- in file site.php, variable Site_Module::$user_srvc_cache
- $user_srvc_cache
- in file web.php, variable Web_Module::$user_srvc_cache
- $user_srvc_cache
- in file misc.php, variable Misc_Module::$user_srvc_cache
- unbind_dav
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::unbind_dav()
- unbind_dav_backend
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::unbind_dav_backend()
- uninstall
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::uninstall()
bool uninstall(string)
- upgrade
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::upgrade()
- upgrade_one_click
- in file oneclick.php, method Oneclick_Module::upgrade_one_click()
- urchin.php
- procedural page urchin.php
- in file urchin.php, class constant Urchin_Module::URCHIN_BASE
- Urchin_Module
- in file urchin.php, class Urchin_Module
- user.php
- procedural page user.php
- user_is_affiliated
- in file urchin.php, method Urchin_Module::user_is_affiliated()
- User_Module
- in file user.php, class User_Module
- user_service_enabled
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::user_service_enabled()
bool user_service_enabled(string, string)
- user_service_enabled
- in file site.php, method Site_Module::user_service_enabled()
bool user_service_enabled(string, string)
- user_service_enabled_backend
- in file web.php, method Web_Module::user_service_enabled_backend()
bool user_service_enabled_backend (string, string)
- user_service_enabled_backend
- in file site.php, method Site_Module::user_service_enabled_backend()
bool user_service_enabled_backend (string, string)
- uses_sql
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::uses_sql()
- __call
- in file backup_generic.php, method Backup_Generic::__call()
- __call
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::__call()
- __construct
- in file punBB.php, method punBB_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file phpBB.php, method phpBB_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file rar.php, method Rar_Filter::__construct()
- __construct
- in file wordpress.php, method wordpress_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file zip.php, method Zip_Filter::__construct()
- __construct
- in file zencart.php, method Zencart_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::__construct()
- __construct
- in file typo.php, method Typo_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file mediawiki.php, method mediawiki_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file esprit.php, method esprit_Filter::__construct()
- __construct
- in file create.php, method create_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file compression_interface.php, method Compression_Interface::__construct()
- __construct
- in file bzip.php, method Bzip_Filter::__construct()
- __construct
- in file gallery.php, method gallery_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file gzip.php, method Gzip_Filter::__construct()
- __construct
- in file backup_generic.php, method Backup_Generic::__construct()
- __construct
- in file joomla.php, method joomla_Install::__construct()
- __construct
- in file lucida.php, method lucida_Install::__construct()
- __get
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::__get()
- __set
- in file one_click_generic.php, method One_Click_Generic::__set()